Thursday 10 March 2011

Lindsay Lohan Can’t Pay Rent

If some sources are to be believed, Lindsay Lohan is going through a financial hell – so much so, she can’t even pay her rent on time.

Lindsay is said to be 2 months behind in rent and her landlord sent her a legal notice to pay or get out. Lindsay just paid her landlord $23,000 to become current.

What makes the matter worse is the fact that Lindsay is not earning any income and her prospects for work are almost non-existent because of substance abuse issues … according to sources.

Earlier published the story about how friends and professionals are deeply afraid for Lindsay, the situation has become even more dire. People close to Lindsay have a strong feeling that Lindsay will die soon if she doesn’t get help.

There is deep frustration among the remaining people in Lindsay’s world that her mom, Dina, is enabling her daughter by insisting Lindsay is fine.

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