Thursday 25 July 2013

Opinion: Insanity, or Not So Much…? My Take on Amanda Bynes

Britney did it. We can all remember the crazy antics of that child star turned teen starlet turned adult superstar, and if Britney can make a comeback from that to inspire still millions more women, why can’t Amanda Bynes? And if she realizes that it’s not working she can always choose the way of Amy Winehouse and let the addiction drive the rest of her life and career until she’s done. Whenever that is. The attention is certainly part of it, but I bet it roots further than that.

Amanda Bynes, Celebrity

What identity does she have that wasn’t created by the media or the various characters she’s played on television and in movies? When I felt I had no identity I went searching for it, so maybe this child-star turned teen starlet is going the way of the adult pyromaniac. It’s a way to feel something in a world where fame and fortune are the important things in life.

If anything, she needs a good girlfriend to kick her in the butt and remind her that there are more important (less arson-y) things she could be doing to get the attention she so desperately seeks.

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